Category: News
I started The List of Design out of a whim mostly, though I wanted to create a site that captured the amazing work that designers and developers create in this throw-away medium. Too much of what we as developers and designers create is soon to be discarded and never thought about again, except for those that created it.
I wanted to create something that would hold onto that, but with a twist, cause gallery sites are everywhere so I needed a twist. The twist is I wanted to capture the “ingredients” of the site. From the Content Management System to the actual fonts being used on the site and record that for other designers and developers to see.
Now I want to redesign the site and put it into “high-gear”. I have a newsletter but have yet to send any out… shame on me, I know. Well coming this Winter I am launching the new design and pushing the newsletter like a politician running for re-election.
Here are some previews of the new design coming this Winter.